外资(欧美) 1000-5000人 检测,认证
外资(欧美) 1000-5000人 检测,认证
UL VS is a multinational independent testing lab, with over 50 years history with facilities in 6 continents and over 40 countries. STR's headquarters is in the United States. uL VS has 9 independent laboratories around the world: USA, Switzerland, UK, France, Turkey, Germany, Shanghai China, Shenzhen China, Hong Kong and Taiwan China, Singapore, Korea, Malaysia and Thailand, We provide the highest quality technical services near the factory source, STR's consulting and testing, inspection and quality assurance capabilities are used for a wide range of products, including: consumer products, industrial products and raw materials. etc. In 1991, UL VS-HK has been accepted by the HOKLAS EXECUTIVE as an Accredited Laboratory with no. 36. In 2003, UL VS Shanghai and UL VS Shenzhen have also received the accreditation from CNAL. The range of our services covers quality inspection, evaluation and testing, quality consulting and testing to light industry, textile & garments, toys & premiums, hard goods, electrical appliances, furniture and kitchen & cookware and electronical instrument's products. etc. UL VS成立于1944年,是一所国际性的独立的商检机构,总部设在美国。服务网覆盖6大洲40个国家。全球拥有9间独立的实验室,分别位于美国、中国香港、中国台湾、中国上海、中国深圳、意大利、土耳其、英国和瑞士,为全球市场提供专业产品性能评估、生产原料的质量保证、实验室测试、商检及ISO顾问等服务。香港公司在1991年获得了HOKLAS认证。2003年1月,UL VS在中国上海成立了上海胜邦质量检测有限公司,成为国内第一家外资的质量检测公司, 同年,在深圳成立了上海胜邦质量检测有限公司深圳分公司并通过了中国实验室国家认可委员会(CNAL)认可。